Mike Huckabee seems like a nice man and everything, but he's just a bit too religious for me. Not that religion is a problem or anything, but he seems to want to impose his religion on us. And in this spirit, here's a political ad I've conceptualized for him (Who knows: he might even like it.):
Mike Huckabee sits at a big table, and he holds a big Bible in his hands, and we see tiny, bug-sized liberals pop up demanding things, like gay marriage, abortion rights, and gender equality, and each time one of them pops up, he crushes them like a bug with the Bible, saying: "The Bible says: 'No'!"
I feel this would accurately and honestly present his stance on things as I understand him, and his supporters might even agree and enjoy the spot (who knows?). But he'll never do it, because while his stance is accurately reflected, I think, it's too easy to turn against him by CNN. But shouldn't he be honest about what he stands for? (Maybe CNN could fund it.)