Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New Bud Light Bottle Messages

Bud Light’s advertising department got into a bit of hot water lately over a message printed onto the bottle of Bud Light for their current “Up for Whatever” campaign, reading: “The perfect beer for removing ‘no’ from your vocabulary for the night.” This offended some people, so Bud Light has apologized and proposed alternate messages to replace the offending one, including:

“After enough of these, you won’t even be able to remember what happens tonight!”

“If you drink enough, you won’t be able to say ‘no’ coherently!”

“If you’re both equally intoxicated, that’s the same as consent, right?”

“Use me for drunken strip ‘Spin the Bottle’!”

“The perfect beer to mask the taste of roofies!”

“It’s light beer, which means you can drive after drinking all you want!”

“Light beer is fine to give to teenagers.”

“If you do something wrong, just say you’re drunk, and it’s okay!”

“Peer pressure is an effective way to make people overindulge in alcohol!”

“Goodbye inhibitions, hello regrettable hookup!”

“You can’t get an STD while you’re drunk, so don’t bother wearing a condom!”

“In case of a bar brawl, this bottle makes a great weapon!”

“If you chug enough of these, you will become irresistible to the opposite sex!”

“Ever try getting your pets drunk? It’s fun!”

“Goes great with all controlled substances!”

“You can’t become an alcoholic if you drink light beer.”

“This bottle can be used for other things besides holding beer; use your imagination.”

Here’s an article about the apology for the message on the bottle: