Saturday, October 17, 2015

Apocalypse Signs in Sports

So I see the Cubs are playing the Mets for the pennant this year. Surely this is a sign of the coming of the apocalypse! We all keep hearing it’s coming soon and we’re living in the end times, but did you know the signs are sports-related? I think I even remember the line from an apocryphal Biblical text on the apocalypse:

When a pennant is played betwixt Cubs and Mets,
The Apocalypse nigh in motion it sets.

Grab all the canned and powdered food you can carry and hunker in your bunker if see you the next sign: a Super Bowl filled with Lions, the last sign the end times are about to occur:

When a super-sized bowl with lions is filled,
Know ye then all of mankind shall be killed.

(I don’t think we have to worry about the Lions appearing in the Super Bowl yet, though.)