Sunday, October 18, 2015

Memory Supplement “Forget, Hell!” (Joke) Ad

A fat, middle-aged Southern red neck type, wearing a baseball cap that says: “Forget, Hell!” on it, and a t-shirt saying: “And The South Will Rise Again!” looks at the camera and says: “I used to need to wear my: “Forget, Hell!” hat to remind me to hate Yankees, and my: “And The South Will Rise Again” t-shirt to remind me that the South will rise again someday to get revenge for the War of Northern Aggression. But now that I take (whatever brand of memory supplement pills), I can remember to hate Yankees and thirst for vengeance all by myself! Thanks, (brand of memory supplements)!” Then the announcer says: “As we age, our brains lose nutrients important for memory, so we may begin to forget what to be mad about, or who to hold unreasonable grudges and have animosity against. But now, with (brand of supplement), you’ll be sure to remember whom to hate and for what, guaranteed.”