Saturday, October 3, 2015


“Get away from me; you’re dead! You’re dead!” This is what David Collins says to the dead version of Carolyn Stoddard in House of Dark Shadows, a movie version of the Dark Shadows TV series shown on TCM tonight (that’s really great, by the way!). Well, no wonder she tried to bite his neck!

This is the kind of intolerance of dead people we need to see an end to in this country. This kind of dead-phobic sentiment exploited by horror movies for their filthy lucre is why the dead never visit us from their graves: because they know we’ll just be mean to them. And it’s why the dead always attack people in horror movies: because they’re offended at what we say about them and how we feel about them.

But in the age where The Walking Dead is the most popular show on television, surely we must come to accept the dead as just another aggrieved group. After all, is it their fault that they’re dead? No. So then, who are we to judge them as scary?

Plus, if we’re nice to the dead, then we can assemble them into an army of the living dead, just like all those heavy metal songs like to sing about, and we can conquer the world! (<Which is the only reason to ever do anything, as far as the old horror and science fiction movies preached.)

This is obviously why kids these days like to dress up as superheroes and Ninja Turtles and such for Halloween: they understand about not hurting people’s feelings, especially if they’re dead.

BTW: Here’s one of the metal songs I’m referring to:

And here’s another: