Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lysol Demonic Ad (Proposed)

In horror movies, especially more recent ones depicting demonic entities, like the Blumhouse movies, we are given to understand that demonic entities smell really bad and also leave black residue behind. Well, that makes me think of what we get in the bathrooms here in California: smelly black gunk growing in the tub and toilet where people are lax in the bathroom cleaning department. And so I thought it might be fun to have an ad for a cleaning product like Lysol that kills germs and such where the yucky stuff in the bathroom is treated like a demonic entity, and Lysol is like the holy water that exorcises it away, with the person cleaning the bathroom throwing the Lysol cleaner on the gunk and saying: “Begone! The Power of Lysol compels you!” And the gunk disappears to the sound of a heavenly choir.