In this proposed animated spot for Rogaine, inspired by the
“Night on Bald Mountain” segment from the Disney movie Fantastia, and also by the dragon fight from the Disney movie Sleeping Beauty, we hear the music of
“Night in Bald Mountain” as we see the figure of a large bald demonic figure on
the mountaintop making everyone who lives around the mountain bald by means of
black magic. Then we hear about Bald Mountain, and how the evil there always
made everyone go bald. But just then, we see a heroic figure riding a brave
steed to go and face the bald menace: he is a knight wearing armor that looks
like a can of Rogaine. He gets to the mountaintop, and he sprays Rogaine at the
demon, who screams and dissolves, causing everyone’s hair to magically grow
back. And then the announcer says that if you are bewitched with baldness,
Rogaine will save the day. The End.