Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Godzilla Nuclear Political Ad

To help win over support for the nuclear energy industry, why not have Godzilla be the spokesman? Godzilla could say: "Nuclear made me the monster I am today. You saw that recent movie of mine, right? Well, I saved you all from those nasty monsters, didn't I? And in fact, I've saved Earth and humanity lots and lots of times in a bunch of movies. And that first movie, where Tokyo is destroyed; that wasn't me. Remember how that Godzilla was destroyed at the end of the movie? That proves right there it wasn't me. It was my drunk uncle Godzilla: he was always mad at everyone and always wanted to destroy everything. But ever since then I've tried to help. And nuclear energy gives me what I need to continue to protect Earth against mean giant monsters and hostile aliens. Plus, remember how I protected you against the Smog Monster before? That's because of all the dirty energy you use. Well next time I might just let the Smog Monster get you if you don't support nuclear."

Surely then everyone would support nuclear energy.