Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Nissan Terror Trucks?

As we all know from watching terrorist videos on the news, terrorists from the Islamic State like to drive Toyota pickup trucks. But I wonder how much longer that’s going to last once they realize what they can do with Nissan pickup trucks.

Yes, as anyone who lived through the 1980s remembers, people who drove Toyota pickup trucks used to paint out the: “TO” and: “TA” of: “TOYOTA” so it would read: “YO” on the tailgate. And if fighters for the Islamic State drove Nissan pickup trucks, rather than Toyotas, they could paint out the: “N” and: “SAN” of: “NISSAN” to leave, simply: “IS”, their initials.

I wonder if the Nissan dealers in the Levant ever pointed this out to them? That could be a big selling point, although I’m not so sure terrorists actually buy their trucks.

(BTW: I’m not trying to help the Islamic State guys, but I think it’s time Toyota stopped making so much money on terrorist trucks throughout the world.)

(This is just a joke! Please don’t arrest me for terrorism!)