Thursday, April 30, 2015

Viagra Theme Song?

It strikes me that James Brown’s: “Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine” would be the perfect theme song for Viagra. Everyone knows the song, and if an attractive fiftyish man was at a party with lots of flirty beautiful women, he could turn to the camera and then lean down to sing some of the song* to his own penis (still in his pants, of course), and then he’d pull out a Viagra pill and take it, and then we’d see him walking into a bedroom with two (count ‘em, 2! {Okay, maybe just one.}) women, and he’d close the door in the camera’s face, and the door would have the Viagra logo painted on it, with the slogan: “Get up (like a sex machine).”

* He’d sing:

Get up,
Get up,
Get on up,
Stay on the scene,
Get on up,
Like a sex machine,
Get on up!