The night the dead come back to life, and all they want is
to vote! (And then eat you. But they really came back to life in order to vote.)
Try asking them for a Voter ID and they’ll devour your face
and slurp your brains out through your eye sockets! And then they’ll vote
Democrat! Until they find out about the “Death Tax” they had to pay! Then they
will vote Republican! Try to tell them it’s not really a tax on death and
they’ll literally bite your head off!
Oh, horror of horrors!
It’s a horror film especially for Republicans; it’s Night of the Voting Dead, coming to a
polling station near you! (And the horrific sequels, Vote of the Dead and
Caucus of the Living Dead, will follow, slowly, ambling threateningly towards
you, just like a ravenous living corpse! Aaaaaa! Hide your Voter Registration
Cards from this creeping terror!)