Saturday, July 12, 2014

Adidas World Cup "It's Only a Game" (Joke) Ad

Wow, sports companies and their ads: they make it seem like sports are the most important thing in the world, and like winning is everything. But in a tournament like the World Cup, only one team gets to win, and everyone else loses. Can't a company like Adidas make everyone who doesn't win feel better with an ad that reminds them it's just a game?

So in this (joke) ad for Adidas, we see teams who have lost their World Cup elimination games sulking and crying, and spectators and fans being upset, and then we see insulting headlines on newspapers and vicious tweets, and then the announcer says: "Oh, come on; don't be like that. After all, it's only a game!" And then the slogan appears on screen: "Adidas: Life is a game: play to win; but if you lose, remember: it's only a game."

So they'll make it, right? No? We're not likely to see this ad? Oh, well. (Most sports ads over the past 20 years have done their best to say that sports are the most important thing in the whole wide world, so it's not likely we'll see them saying anything else anytime soon.)