Thursday, July 24, 2014

Beano “Blazing Saddles” Ad (Joke/Proposed)

In this joke/proposed ad for Beano, the gas relief product, we see the famous silly scene from Blazing Saddles, where a group of men sits around the campfire eating beans, and then they all let out big noisy farts. Then the announcer tells us that was before they tried Beano. Then we see a scene of what happens after the men take Beano, the following night, and we see a scene of the men sitting around the campfire eating beans as before, but none of them passes any gas.

This might be a bit crude, but that scene in Blazing Saddles is very well known and hilarious, and it would amply demonstrate very literally what it is that Beano does as a product. Kids love fart jokes, and so they’d remember Beano for life after seeing this ad. But if the FCC thought it was inappropriate for children, it could be run on late night television, or only on the Internet. But I think it would be very memorable, and as such a very good ad for the product. And it would work best for Beano specifically because the men are all eating beans. (But it would work for Gas-X too.)

This is the scene from Blazing Saddles I’m referring to:

At the end of the scene, when someone ask for more beans, Slim Pickens says they’ve had enough. But in the “after” scene in the ad, where nobody farts, the announcer could say: “With Beano, you can have all the beans you want, with no gas distress afterwards!”