Thursday, August 20, 2015

Acne Medication Ad Song (Proposed)

This proposed ad for an acne medication would use the song: “Put On a Happy Face” with slightly altered lyrics in parts of it; like so:

Your skin is going to clear up,
Put (product) on your face,
Then your whole mood will cheer up,
Put on a happy face

Take off the gloomy mask of acne,
It’s not your style,
You’ll look so good that you’ll be glad,
You used (product) and smile.

You’ll have a pleasant outlook,
Stick out that noble chin,
Wipe out that full of doubt look,
Slap on a happy grin.

Just spread (product) all over your face,
And put on a happy face.

Put on a happy face,
Put on a happy face.

I knew a girl with acne,
She’d never smile or sing,
She used the (product) and see,
Now she has clear, clear skin.

Just spread (product) all over your face,
And put on a happy face.

Then the slogan is: “Put on a happy face!”

This is the song: “Put On a Happy Face”:

(I think a cold sore medication used a modified version of this song in an ad before, but I don't think it worked as well as it would work for an acne medication ad. And you would not believe how many different ads use the same songs again and again.)