Sunday, August 9, 2015

V8 “Big V8 Roar” Ad (Proposed)

A song I love contains the line, one of my favorite lines of all time: “Hear my great big V8 roar!” (<Referring to the type of muscle car engine, of course.)

Well, this made me think of V8 Juice, and how it’s supposed to be good for you. And so I thought perhaps a fun ad for V8 Juice would be to have the: “Big V8 Roar” concept, where someone would wake up tired and such, but then they’d drink a glass of V8 juice, and they’d do a “Big V8 Roar” (sort of like a “Primal Scream”) to show how much energy and verve and power and nutrition and such they get from drinking V8 Juice.

Then the announcer would suggest we all go get V8 and get our own “Big V8 Roar” on.

And V8 could then ask consumers to post videos on Vine showing us all their “Big V8 Roar”, and as a promotion, the person with the best roar could win some kind of prize.