Thursday, March 3, 2011

Launch / Disclaimer

This is a satirical blog about media, advertising, marketing, pop culture, etc. All references to actual companies, products, people, etc. is for the purpose of parody.

That was the disclaimer. Now to the launch/statement of purpose:

I have always been a big fan of comedy, and growing up watching Saturday Night Live reruns (with the original cast), my favorite sketches were always the joke fake ads. So that got me interested in advertising and sketch comedy early on.

I love The Daily Show and The Colbert Report and Robot Chicken especially, and some of this blog presents ideas I think might be good for those shows (although I have a lot more material that does not appear here, as it is in finished script form). But there is also plenty of actual commentary on real advertising in with the silliness, as well as plenty of ads I have written myself (generally indicated with "Proposed", "Joke/Proposed", or occasionally with a question mark, indicating: "Hey, maybe one like this?" (<Generally the ones with the question mark are sillier, off-the-cuff ideas.)

But mainly this blog is to make myself write every day and hopefully to become a better writer of advertising and comedy stuff, as well as to entertain readers.

I hope you all enjoy it! And no offense, I hope. (It's impossible to make jokes without offending some people some of the time, but I hope everyone is aware it's not intentional, as this blog is intended to have a lighthearted, silly and absurdist tone.)