I see this more and more: an ad starts to play during an ad
break, and it stops and is immediately preempted by another ad. Um, why does
this happen? It seems to happen more and more every day. I thought computers
controlled everything nowadays, but I guess maybe they can make mistakes
sometimes? I didn’t know that. I hope the computer-based robots that kill us
all and take over the planet will find a way to fix that someday.
Now, I’m sure most of us don’t care if an ad doesn’t play
right or gets overrun by something else. But people go to great lengths to make
these ads, and companies pay megabucks for them to be aired, so shouldn’t they
be aired correctly so we can mute them or fast forward through them like we’re
supposed to? How can we ignore a TV advertisement correctly if it’s not
presented properly? We might ignore it wrong otherwise.
I guess they’ve got people who just watch TV all the time to
make sure we’re inundated with all the advertising they pay to subject us to.
Otherwise, how can they know if their money is well spent?