Saturday, November 7, 2015

Thor Soap Ad (Proposed)

I was watching a late night comedy show recently where someone said that in the movies Thor is always coming out of the shower, and then someone else said that’s good, because he’s so attractive. But this made me think of something else: maybe Thor is always in the shower because cleanliness is next to godliness, and Thor is a Norse god. And then that made me think that Thor might make a great soap spokesman, and that they could use scenes like him coming out of the shower from the movies as the perfect springboard for a movie tie-in ad for some brand of soap, and after emerging from the shower, all beefcakey and all, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) could say: “Cleanliness is next to godliness, and I ought to know: I’m Thor, and I’m a Norse god. That’s why I use (whatever brand of) soap: it gives me that godly clean every time. And it will for you, too, whether you be god or mortal!”