Sunday, November 8, 2015

Altoids Sleeping Beauty Ad (Proposed)

The Handsome Prince comes to wake Sleeping Beauty with True Love’s First Kiss, but when he goes to kiss her, her breath stinks, since she’s been a sleep for a long time. So the Handsome Prince takes a tin of Altoids mints from his pocket, and he puts one in Sleeping Beauty’s mouth. Then he kisses her with True Love’s First Kiss, and she awakens, and they live happily ever after. (And in a joke tag, Sleeping Beauty says to the Handsome Prince: “You kissed me while I was unconscious? You really think that was okay?” And the Handsome Prince says: “But, that’s what the fairy tale said to do…” And Sleeping Beauty says: “Yeah, maybe; but this is real life, not a fairy tale.” And the Handsome Prince says: “But didn’t I save the day?” to which Sleeping Beauty replies: “Yes, but that’s not the point.”)