Saturday, November 21, 2015

Hey Google Ads: I Am Not Korean

I don’t know how this happened, but I have started getting Internet ads in Korean sometimes. I can’t read Korean, so these ads are wasted on me. Not that I’d be paying attention to them anyway, as Internet ads are ridiculously intrusive and annoying these days, but you’d think they’d want to appeal to me in a language I can at least read and understand, right?

But you know, I really did actually notice and pay attention to these ads more than usual recently because it made me wonder why I was being targeted with Korean ads. Maybe that’s their plan: they know we’re ignoring the Internet ads, so they’re intentionally sending us ads in the wrong language to make us look at them again. If they made ads that worked really well visually, like silent movies, we’d get the message even with a language we can’t understand, and maybe we’d actually look at the ads for a change. Could that be their dastardly plot?