Monday, November 23, 2015

Star Wars: Battlefront Jedi Death Ad

Wow, I guess everyone is literally dying to play the Star Wars: Battlefront video game, because that’s what this ad is suggesting: lots of young people dying, with their clothes falling to the floor, just like when the Jedi die in Star Wars movies. I’m guessing maybe they took poison or something? And there are a bunch of apparent suicide pacts seen here. And the last person, a young woman, is holding a knife, she says the famous Obi Wan Kenobi line of: “If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine,” and then they show her from behind and she disappears, with her clothes dropping to the floor. I guess she must have slit her own throat. Nobody else was there, so it had to be her.

So are we to understand that in order to play the game, we have to die first? That might not be the safest advertising message, seeing as how obsessed some people are with Star Wars.

You know that you’re not real Jedi, right? And when you die, you won’t wake up in the game.

When I was a little kid, I knew an unstable kid who thought he was bionic, and that if we died, we’d come back as completely bionic people; then he tried to drag me into traffic to prove it. Don’t underestimate this kind of stupidity, as it might be dangerous.

I wonder if we’ll see some kind of Heaven’s Gate mass suicide by people who can’t play the game but want to. The actual message of this ad is to become more powerful by dying. I hope everyone knows they’re not being serious. Also, the ghost Jedi in the movies don’t do a lot of fighting, or living, either; they just blab a lot to the living characters. So how does dying make this game able to be played, even, assuming we’re talking about Jedi? Or is Jedi heaven just a big video game in the sky with some Easter Eggs to let you nag your old protégés?

Here’s the suicidal spot: