Friday, November 6, 2015

“The Leftovers” Final Episode

I was watching The Daily Show tonight, and the guest was Regina King from The HBO series The Leftovers, and they were talking about how they have no idea what the cause of the disappearing people was, and that’s what they like about the show. Well, it’s not what I like about the show, so I don’t watch it much anymore. But someday, I hope they’ll let us in on what happened to cause it all.

I have to say, I immediately assumed this was some Rapture type situation. But I hope that’s not what it ends up being. For the final episode, just to counter the media as always being Democratic Party propagandists narrative, I’d like to have it turn out that everyone who disappeared was kidnapped by governments around the world and put into FEMA camps, and that this is all President Obama’s doing. And he did it to punish them for being too conservative, which he found out about due to the worldwide NSA surveillance program. Oh, and the governments used chem trails to knock everyone out beforehand, just to bring all the silly right-wing conspiracies together.

If someone made that show, it would forever deflate the accusations of TV shows being liberal propaganda. And seriously, wouldn’t it be funny to see a liberal government conspiracy on TV for a change? I’ll bet that would generate a lot of hateful letters, but then also a lot of grateful letters from conservative viewers who I am sure would love to see the Democrats as the bad guys on a TV series for once.

(BTW: I’m an Independent, and I don’t like either party.)