We see an amazing floor exercise routine in Olympics
coverage from an American woman, like Aly Raisman, Simone Biles, or Laurie
Hernandez, and we cut to middle aged people watching it on TV in their living
room, and the viewers reflexively hold their knees, ankles, hips, etc., in perceived
pain, and the announcer says: “When it hurts too much to watch, take Advil.”
Okay, maybe the announcer shouldn’t say that. But it’s a
good idea for an ad for an over-the-counter pain reliever, because everyone
always reacts whenever they see painful stuff on TV or in movies. It’s just
human nature. I especially squirm when I see damage done to fingernails in
torture porn horror movies. (And I hate it. They think it’s a good thing that
we squirm at that. Actually, I avoid movies that do such things. They might
make money, but not mine, when they do that.) But now that I’m older, I squirm
more at stuff that looks like it hurts joints, because lots of mine hurt now no matter what I do.