Friday, March 23, 2012

Etchy Sketchy Heart

In my last post, I offered a suggestion to help Mittens (Mitt Romney, that is) out of his etchy, sketchy Etch A Sketch problem. So, now, in the interest of fairness, I thought I would suggest something for the Obama campaign to use this issue to their advantage.

So here’s what I would do for the Obama campaign: Remember back a couple of decades ago, when Hannah Montana’s Dad (that’s Billy Ray Cyrus, for older people) had a song called “Achy Breaky Heart”? (I don’t know the song, but I remember the phenomenon and hearing about the line dancing craze, etc., from back then. Apparently it was a huge hit.) So what I would suggest is this: Record a cover version of “Achy Breaky Heart”, and sing instead: “Etchy Sketchy Heart”. Then they could say Mitt Romney has an “etchy sketchy heart”, because he doesn’t really believe in anything, and he can change his positions simply by shaking and resetting his etchy sketchy heart. Then, to illustrate this, they could superimpose Mitt Romney’s head on top of some famous Elvis Presley footage from the 1950s where he’s doing that shaky dancing he does. And they could show Mitt Romney saying he has one position, then show the Elvis dance with Mitt Romney’s head on it, and then show footage of Mitt Romney taking the exact opposite position on the same issue. And to drive it all home, show all of this footage framed inside of the red frame of an Etch A Sketch toy.

See what I mean? They could really go to town with this idea, if Mitt Romney ends up being the Republican nominee! And the beauty of this scenario is that there is so much footage of Mitt Romney taking the exact opposite sides on so many positions, they’d almost never run out of options! And by framing everything in a red Etch A Sketch frame, and using the Elvis dance with Mitt Romney’s head on it to illustrate how he “shakes out” his Etch A Sketch heart, it would be very memorable, and it could be a whole ad campaign! And of course I say “Etchy Sketchy Heart” because people generally refer to beliefs and feelings and values as being “from the heart”, rather than from the head. But I’ll bet it would be a very popular ad campaign if they did it, and I’ll bet it would really stick out in people’s memories.

Here’s the Wikipedia page for “Achy Breaky Heart”: