Thursday, March 29, 2012

Frizz Ease Secret Weapon

Oh my God: They're weaponizing hair-care products! (But don't tell: it's a secret!)

So, apparently people with frizzy hair hate people without frizzy hair so much that there are now products they can use to attack their follicular foes? Isn't this what this product is: the so-called "Secret Weapon"? I'll bet it's some type of plastic explosives made to look like hair gel, isn't it? Or is it instead some sort of grenade that's shaped like a tube of hair product? Maybe they simply turn the cap 90 degrees and throw it at their hated hair-havers, and: Kaboom! That'll frizz their hair! (After it blows their head off!)

Now of course I'm joking, and this is just some hair-care product with a violently militaristic-sounding name. But I wonder what it's like for someone who tries to bring this stuff on the plane with them? Would TSA look at the name: "Secret Weapon" and detain them for terrorism? After all, they're trying to bring a secret weapon on the plane (!). I mean, I know you could argue that nobody would actually write "secret weapon" on a secret weapon, but perhaps by doing that, it would use reverse-psychology to make security pay no attention to it. (So that's their dastardly plan! I knew it!)

Well, I say we can take no chances with this type of hawkish hair-care product! Better safe than sorry, that's what I say! Oh, but then again, I suppose that at higher altitudes, people's hair might just frizz up to such an extent that the captain wouldn't be able to see out the windshield, and that frizzy hair would get all tangled up in the wiring of the plane, and they'd lose control of the aircraft. (Hey: it could happen!) So I guess they'd better let them bring it on, just in case. But then what if it is a weapon after all? Oh my God, those follicular fascists! Those style stormtroopers! They really are trying to kill us all! (I knew it!)