Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fastidious & Furious

Fastidious & Furious is the upcoming exciting and thrilling action movie about a 'Type-A' young man and his constant conflicts with everyone he comes into contact with. It seems our hero is such a neat freak that he gets crazy when other people look at and touch his stuff, so much so that he is in a continual state of violent confrontation with everyone. But as if this wasn't exciting enough already for an action movie, our hero is also so fanatical about everything being organized, that when he goes places, and especially when he goes over to other people's homes, the state of disarray drives him to begin assembling everything into neat rows, piles, and zones, organized and codified into specific filing systems. And, naturally, this drives everyone crazy, so they then get into brutal martial arts fights, trashing the whole place. But because our hero has such a 'Type-A' personality, and as such he is rigorous in his martial arts training, he always wins the fights, putting his adversaries in the hospital; and while they're away, he completely reorders their homes, offices, work spaces, kitchens, or whatever place it was where the confrontation and combat originated. And, obviously, when his adversaries get out of the hospital, they become so incensed with the complete and unauthorized reorganization of their spaces and possessions that they swear revenge and conspire to get even. And so our hero's life is a continual adventure of martial arts fighting and organizational intrigue!

It's like a large-scale martial arts action movie version of The Odd Couple! You know you want to see it! It's the movie everyone who ever bristled over being told to clean up their room as a child has been waiting their whole life to see, it's Fastidious & Furious: coming soon to a theater near you! Get yourself together, get your life in order, and see it soon!