Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Life Alert Ad Claim: Every 11 Minutes

I just saw an ad for Life Alert where the announcer said: “We save a life from a catastrophe every 11 minutes!” That’s nice, and it sounds very efficient of them, but what if someone has a life-and-death emergency in between the eleven minutes? People’s emergencies don’t always follow a set schedule, so someone might drown, or burn to death, or have a car accident, or a heart attack in between the 11-minute intervals Life Alert apparently uses to save people. What about them? Are they doomed to die just because their emergencies aren’t scheduled to occur every eleven minutes? I would think Life Alert would want to appear willing to save people at any time that they might be needed, but maybe it’s too hard to be ready any time, and they think once every 11 minutes is enough. But how on Earth do they get everyone’s emergencies so precisely scheduled such that their customers have emergencies once every eleven minutes? I’d think it would be a lot more trouble to try to set up such a rigorous schedule. Unless…

Hey, you don’t suppose Life Alert is actually causing the emergencies themselves, do you? When you think about it, it’s the only way they could believably save people every 11 minutes, because one emergency every 11 minutes is way too structured and way too tight of a schedule to be plausible. Wow, I guess they really slipped up when they told us they saved someone every 11 minutes, because it certainly looks suspicious!

Of course there is another possibility I haven’t mentioned: maybe they are rescuing those with emergencies that occur every 11 minutes, and they’re simply not bothering to help those who have emergencies which occur in between the 11 minute intervals. Wow, how unfeeling of them to refuse to help people just because their emergencies do not adhere to their rigorous schedule of every 11 minutes! How could they? This clearly illustrates the dehumanizing and depraved characteristics inherent in strict, controlling bureaucracies.

Here’s the ad that’s effective every 11 minutes:

(Of course this is just a joke! I'm sure Life Alert tries to save everyone regardless of when their emergency occurs. It's just that they are apparently only successful at saving lives every 11 minutes, according to their advertising. {Just kidding: it only sounds that way.})