Sunday, April 27, 2014

What's Black and White and Red All Over?

It's the question that's perplexed humanity for generations: What's black and white and red all over?

Well, here are some possible correct answers:

A newspaper used to bludgeon someone to death

The Panda Chain Saw Massacre

A Sergei Eisenstein propaganda film

A newspaper used as a drop cloth for a mafia hit man to chop up the bodies of his victims

A black & white Kindle stolen from a slasher killer's victim's pocket

An Oreo cookie covered with raspberry preserves

A French maid (in uniform) bathing in tomato juice because she was sprayed by a skunk

Gene Simmons's face after he spits blood (<That's Gene Simmons from KISS.)

A chessboard after an extremely sore loser gets deadly revenge against an opponent

A fax message with ketchup spilled on it

A piano keyboard covered in blood

An embarrassed skunk

A newly completed road with a two marinara sauce truck accident

Real Madrid when they lose a home game