Wednesday, May 28, 2014

"A Storm of Swords": Potential Also-Ran Titles

I like the title of George R. R. Martin's novel A Storm of Swords. I was hoping for more book titles like that one from Martin (a weather event and a weapon, in alliteration; for example: A Weather Pattern of Weapons), but no dice. But, all is not lost, for there's plenty of chance someone will try to copy Martin's style to ride his coattails, and they might use such a title.

So here's a list of some possible book titles to rip off "A Storm of Swords":

A Maelstrom of Maces
A Hurricane of Hatchets
A Hailstorm of Halberds
A Shower of Scimitars
A Cyclone of Scythes
A Squall of Spears
A Storm of Stilettos
A Blizzard of Blades
A Whirlwind of Whips
A Landslide of Lances
An Avalanche of Arrows
A Drizzle of Danish Axes
A Flash Flood of Flails
A Rainstorm of Rapiers
A Sandstorm of Sabers
A Wildfire of Weapons
A Tempest of Tenderizers
A Monsoon of Meat Cleavers
A Thunderstorm of Throwing Stars
A Twister of Tabak-Toyoks
An Ice Storm of Icepicks
A Cyclone of Chainsaws
A Typhoon of Tire Irons
A Downpour of Daggers
A Deluge of Dynamite
A Sleet of Slingshots
A Fog of Fists
A Gale of Guns
A Tornado of Torture Devices
An Electrical Storm of Electric Drills