Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Robot Chicken E.T. M&Ms Ad

In their most recent episode, Robot Chicken had a sketch about the E.T. scene with Reese’s Pieces, and E.T. is expecting M&Ms, but he is disgusted to find they are not M&Ms, but only look like them. Wow, this would make a great ad for M&Ms!

But, M&Ms does not deserve an ad like this, although I’d agree with E.T.’s reaction, because in one of the most infamous examples of product placement, Steven Spielberg wanted to use M&Ms in his movie, but M&Ms refused, seeing as how Steven Spielberg has never made a decent movie in his life, and everyone always hates him and his work, so it could only reflect badly on the proud M&Ms brand. Except that E.T. is one of the biggest and best-loved films of all time (although I must admit I hate it), and so M&Ms lost a huge free advertising campaign that would have gone on for as long as anyone ever watched E.T., and Reese’s Pieces got a huge brand launch and sold tons of candy as a result.

But, wow, anyone else would have the same reaction, wouldn’t they? “Hey, man, these look just like M&Ms, but they taste terrible!” (<Or something close to that.)

But despite their earlier marketing disaster, this Robot Chicken sketch really tells the truth, and as such, it would make a great ad for M&Ms! They should totally license this sketch and run it as an ad. Only add the E.T. spaceship destroying Earth afterwards in retribution for tricking E.T. into eating Reese’s Pieces instead of M&Ms. (That’s actually M&Ms own fault, but never mind…)