Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Geico Star Trek "Star Wrek" Ad (Joke/Proposed)

We're all familiar with Star Trek, and what with Geico running ads showing all the different stuff they insure, why not take it a little bit over the top with a starship insurance ad? We could see Captain Kirk, or someone else at the helm temporarily, get into a fender-bender with a Klingon or Romulan ship they don't see because it has its cloaking device on. So the enemy ship materializes, Captain Kirk claims they are responsible for the accident, and so the enemy ship's commander appears on the screen and sticks his tongue out at Captain Kirk and says: "Nyah!", whereupon the enemy ship turns on its cloaking device, disappears, and warps out of the sector, leaving Captain Kirk to pay for the damage. And so the Geico gecko mascot beams aboard in his own little Star Fleet uniform (but with a green shirt, to match his skin color), and after assessing the damage, he says that you never know what's going to happen when you're driving any kind of vehicle, and even if you're not at fault, you still might end up getting stuck with the bill for the damage to your vehicle, so it's smart to have good insurance just in case. Spock agrees, saying that such a plan is wise indeed.