Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New Congressional Political Ads?

Congress’s approval rating is about as low as it’s ever been, so we’re seeing some pretty extreme ads for potential Members of Congress: from shooting at Obamacare to castrating hogs to chopping up model trains with wood axes. But is all this implied violence really directed at the right place? After all, Congress has a lower approval rating than any of the things threatened in these ads: even wasteful spending has a higher approval rating!

So why not put the ad threats where they belong: directed at Congress itself? These days it might be an even better strategy to say you’re running on the promise of flipping off everyone in Congress to their faces, or to give them all wedgies, or to beat them up one-by-one after each session of Congress. I’ll bet that would win a few seats nowadays.

In fact, I’ll bet even slasher killers, like Jason from Friday the 13th and Leatherface from The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, could run for Congress these days. Their ads wouldn’t be that much different than what we’ve been seeing lately. They could just slash at stuff with their machete and chain saw, and say: “First I’m going to slash wasteful spending, and then I’m going to slash bloated programs, and then I’m going to slash everyone else in the building!” (They might even get elected with an ad like that!)

BTW: This is just a joke. I’m not threatening anyone. I’m just making a joke about ads I’ve been seeing for candidates running for Congress, and how violent some of them are; and then I’m mixing that with the hostile sentiment everyone seems to have for Congress, and thinking of other ads that might work.

Think I’m kidding about the real ads? Here’s an article about some of them: