Friday, March 14, 2014

BBC World News: Divine Women

The miniseries Divine Women on BBC World News this weekend delves into the issue of women’s roles in creating world religions. I think the idea is that women were instrumental in the founding of the great religions of the world, but they don’t get credit for it.

Wow, a system of strictures encouraging men to deny their natural tendencies toward violence, greed, aggression, selfishness, philandering, drinking, gambling, laziness, bragging, lying, cheating, hogging the TV remote, etc.: how could anyone think women had anything to do with such a thing? (The mind boggles at the suggestion.)

Actually, I think the greatest accomplishment of this system was to trick men into believing they had thought of this stuff themselves, and by showing this TV miniseries, they’re going to let the cat out of the bag about what’s really been going on all along: not a good idea! (Maybe once we see this, men will all see how they’ve been conned, and they’ll start a new religion based upon machismo, penis size, sports and alcoholic beverage consumption. {Or, wait; maybe they’ve secretly done that already?})