Monday, March 10, 2014


Schwimfan is the upcoming thriller/horror movie about David Schwimmer and an obsessed fan who makes his life a living hell. It's a lot like the movie Swimfan, but with David Schwimmer instead of a swimming star in high school being the object of the twisted women's affections. And with this alteration to the plot line, all of a sudden this movie is a horrific critique of our celebrity-obsessed culture and the horror of gossip rags and the intrusiveness of the paparazzi. Plus, we get to see David Schwimmer stalked by a fan!

And for extra fun, the movie can claim to be a true crime documentary made by a crew that was making a puff piece on David Schwimmer for some entertainment program, and as they just happened to witness what was happening, they decided to stay on and film the whole thing to exploit/cash in on, um, I mean, to expose this dark side top our national celebrity obsession tendencies, and how such tendencies always make us into twisted killers.

Oh, but then it turns out that this obsessed killer fan is just part of the film crew, and they perpetrated the hoax to make lots of money from TMZ, etc.; and finding this out, the cast of Friends stalks and kills them all one-by-one to send a message to an increasingly abusive and exploitative press for violating their lives and turning every day into a scandal scoop.

Yes, it's Schwimfan, coming soon to a theater near you!

This is Swimfan, for those who are unfamiliar: