Thursday, March 13, 2014

Harvey Weinstein Won’t Make Any More Movies Glamorizing Guns

But his company will happily distribute them. And I guess he can also say he doesn’t actually make movies so much as he finances them, and the director and film crew really make the movies, and he’s not a director, yadda, yadda.

Of course I am referring here to the upcoming movie: Jane’s Got a Gun. It’s not coming out for months (29 August 2014), but the Weinstein Company is involved in distributing it, if Wikipedia is to be trusted.

Apparently when money’s involved, it’s kind of hard to stick to your values; just ask members of Congress (although I’m not so sure they had values to begin with).

You know, I like shoot ‘em up movies sometimes, especially Spaghetti Westerns and Film Noir, but so many movies advocate for the lawless revenge thing these days. (Okay, they always did, but that negates my point, which is to blame today’s movies. So only blame today’s movies, okay? Thanks!)

Oh, but Harvey Weinstien could stick to his principles if he would just make violent movies using other weapons, like knives, swords, hand-held laser devices that are not shaped like guns, martial arts weapons, explosives, grenades, landmines, tactical nukes, etc. Or how about violent movies where everyone kills with their hands alone? Or how about bows and arrows? Or maybe improvised utilitarian devices like hardware store items or general automotive/handyman tools? The movies could be bloody, violent, gory, and repugnant as hell: as long as there are no guns, he sticks to his guns, um, so to speak, right?

Of course, he could also say the gun movies are not glorifying guns so much as they’re showing how dangerous and lethal they are, so long as people are killed by guns in the movie, which is true for all movies with guns in them, I think. So maybe he doesn’t have to change anything except for his PR approach and he can still make the same claim.

Here’s the story:

(You know, he could always claim someone held a gun to his head and made him do it.)