Sunday, March 2, 2014

President Obama Challenges President Putin to Wet T-Shirt Contest to Decide Ukraine Conflict

We all know how much Russian President Vladimir Putin loves to take off his shirt and strut around, but is he a match for our American he-man stuff President Obama? Well, we’ll find out for sure if Putin accepts Obama’s wet t-shirt contest challenge in lieu of military conflict to decide the fate of Ukraine!

President Obama stays in shape, playing basketball and golf. Frankly, he plays golf more than he governs: he does it more than anything else aside from fundraising (because he doesn’t like money’s corruptive influence in politics – unless it’s helping him corrupt politics, that is…), and even more than making didactic speeches. He’s probably the sexiest president ever, especially if you ask his obsessively worshipful admiring throngs of obsequious fan boy news media types who continuously fall all over themselves to compliment him on his every action. And so our First Man really ought to bring the macho!

Oh, but Bad Vlad’s got the abs and the pecs to ravage the world, and with Russia resurgent, could Putin flex his way into a new Russian hegemony?

I guess we’ll see when the smackdown of all time happens: the Obama v. Putin Wet T-Shirt Contest over Ukraine! The fate of the free world depends on the result! (Order now on PPV!)