Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mr. Spock Psychic Call Line

Hey, remember back like 15 years ago, when there were all those 900 number psychic phone lines? Well, after Seeing Star Trek: Into Darkness, I thought: "Hey, how about an 'Ask Spock' psychic call hotline where callers could ask Spock about what they ought to do?" Because as viewers of the movie know, young alternate-universe Spock (Zachary Quinto) calls to ask old, regular TV show/original movie series Spock (Leonard Nimoy) advice about how to defeat Khan. And everyone who calls Spock (it would be an exorbitant by-the-minute rate) would get the standard: "I have sworn a vow not to reveal any information that might alter your life experience, yadda yadda…" before Spock would then gossip your ear off about what's going to happen to you, and what you need to do to avoid problems and to really achieve your goals! And if he can't help you now, for an additional fee, he'll travel through a wormhole into the future to take a look at what your life will be like, and then he'll travel back through time to tell you all about it. (Or else he'll just make it all up, and if you get mad, you'll have to travel through time and space to find him to get your money back, and even if you do find him after all that, you'll just end up getting the Vulcan Death Grip.)

Just think of it: in this way, Spock could create a huge intergalactic business empire!