Saturday, January 3, 2015

Clairol “The Good the Bad and the Ugly” (Joke) Ad

(This is from the part in the movie where Tuco (Eli Wallach) has escaped from the train, and he runs into “Blondie” (Clint Eastwood) in a battered ghost town, where the two have to dispose of Angel Eyes’s (Lee Van Cleef) band of outlaws.)

Lee Van Cleef tells his henchmen (of Clint Eastwood’s character, just before a big showdown): “I want that blond alive.” And then he turns away from his henchmen and says: “So I can find out how he gets his hair such a gorgeous color!”

Then we see Clint Eastwood with ridiculously flowing, beautiful blond hair as he guns down the assailants. And then in his showdown with Lee Van Cleef, he says: “It’s Clairol. All you had to do was ask. But you had to do it the hard way.” And then he draws his gun faster and shoots down Lee Van Cleef, saying under his breath: “Not that it would have helped you much, with your thinning hair.”