Now this is the kind of thing I like to see. It’s very
silly, but it also describes the product/service and why you’d want it. Plus,
it’s likely very cathartic for people who hate this ad campaign and the Flo
character, as well as showing us how people dealt with ad mascots they didn’t
like in olden days. (<”Kill her!”)
Wow, wouldn’t be fun to see all the ad characters we loathe
dispatched in such a fashion? Maybe the ads could suggest the execution, and
then tell us to go online to “see what happens next” (a gory execution of that
hated ad character). Then people might want to watch the ads!
Also, with the witch-burning theme in the third section of
the spot, they should sponsor season 2 of Salem
and show this ad.
Here’s the spokesperson-slaughtering spot:
(BTW: If an ad spokesperson gets beheaded or burned at the
stake making a pitch, does workman’s comp cover that?)