Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Real Housewives of Stepford

This is the show all the men out there will want to watch and drool over: submissive housework-loving, husband-loving sex-bots with big artificial breasts, catering to their husbands’ every whim, all on display in a reality show that’s just like a big infomercial for how to get your own Stepford Wife.

That’s The Real Housewives of Stepford, coming soon on Bravo!

(A late night comedy show I like was discussing robots learning how to do things for humans by watching stuff on the Internet, and it made me think of The Real Housewives of Stepford. I looked it up on Google, and I couldn’t believe I couldn’t find it, but it wasn’t on the first few search pages, so I wrote this up. I know it’s a little late, though. Sorry: I don’t watch reality TV, so I don’t think about it much.)