Sunday, February 15, 2015

Just for Men “Mustache Love” Ad (Proposed)

This may be a bit obscure for some, but there was a big hit in the 1970s called: “Muskrat Love”, by Captain and Tennille.

Well, I was thinking that this could make a really fun and silly ad for mustache dye, and the men using it would almost surely know the song due to their age. And the lyrics wouldn’t have to be changed much to be about mustaches, like so:

“Well, they whirl and they twirl and the dangle,
They’re pencil-thin and they’re handlebars,
Floating on their lips from above,
Looks like mustache love!”

And we’d see some fortysomething guy with a big twirly handlebar mustachio lying on a couch with a beautiful woman kissing on him, and we’d see big hairy puppet mustaches (like Muppets, with eyes over the mustache hair, and with mouth openings near the bottom of the mustaches) singing the song around them, floating in the air.

Then the announcer says: “Love your mustache, with Just for Men!”

This is “Muskrat Love”, by Captain and Tennille (I am referring to the first chorus):