Thursday, February 5, 2015

Kim Kardashian Brand Toilet Paper?

Kim Kardashian seems to make her living off of her butt. And what does a butt need? Why, it's toilet paper!

Maybe Kim Kardashian could start her own line of toilet paper called KKTP. It would be strong enough for a gargantuan butt, but also soft enough for her pampered princess lifestyle.

She's made lots of things fashionable, so perhaps she could even make toilet paper seem sexy.

Each sheet of Kim Kardashian Toilet Paper would be embossed with a picture of her butt, and the slogan would be: "Rub cheeks with royalty!"

And as a musical score, her first ad could use the Spinal Tap song: "Big Bottom".

And maybe her next ad in this campaign could be: "The Princess and the Pee" (to show how good it is for pee, too).