Two people, a woman in her 40s and a man in his 50s, talk at
their office at work. The woman asks the man if he’s enjoying their new
project, and he says he wishes he was, but his hemorrhoids are driving him
crazy and he needs relief from the burning, stinging and itching. Just then, we
hear the guitar part to the song: “Rock You Like a Hurricane” by the Scorpions,
and in walks a man dressed up in a man-sized costume of a tube of the
hemorrhoid medication Nupercainal and playing a white Flying V guitar, playing
the song, and singing an altered version of the chorus: “Here I am! Numb you
like a dibucaine! Here I am! Numb you with some dibucaine!” And the man says:
“Oh, thank Goodness you’ve come! I feel better already just knowing you’re
Here’s “Rock You Like a Hurricane” by the Scorpions (The
chorus part starts at about 1:06, and this ad would use the guitar intro and
then straight into the chorus):
(BTW: This would also work equally well as an ad for
Recticare by simply changing the costume into a tube of Recticare, and changing
the word: “dibucaine” to: “lidocaine”.)