Friday, September 9, 2011

Allstate Mexican Goalie Gloves Ad

There’s a cute ad running on GolTV that involves the goalie for the Mexican national team. In getting on their team bus, the goalie drops his goalie gloves on the ground, and then the public, through a series of complex hand-offs of the gloves, manage to get them across town and into the locker room at the stadium just in time for the goalie to reach into his bag and find them there, as though nothing had ever happened, and as if he had had them all along. That’s cute, and the way the ad is shot, it looks great, but there’s a problem with this idea, I’d have to say, and it’s this: If the goalie can’t even hang onto his own gloves in a competent manner, how can he be expected to hang onto balls and keep them from going into the goal? I’m sorry to have to bring that up, but it is kind of an issue, don’t you think?

Anyway, here’s the ad; see what you think: