Patton Oswalt is my favorite comedian, as anyone who read this blog can probably figure out. He has these great flights of fancy and non-sequiturs that I love so much in most of his jokes and stories, and I love how creative he is. In his most recent special, first shown on Showtime this past weekend, he talks about Weight Watchers meetings, and how lame they are, since they don’t have anyone like a William S. Burroughs to make them interesting. Well, to him, maybe that’s true, because he’s looking outward; but for all the other people at the Weight Watchers meetings, there is someone like that: Him! He is their William S. Burroughs figure, who tells great, fascinating, entertaining stories; and he ought to make himself go there just to encourage everyone else to keep coming! Keep them wanting more and guessing: “Ooh! What’s he going to say next time? I can’t wait!” In fact, from now on, if people keep on being fat, I say it’s his fault for shirking his responsibilities at Weight Watchers meetings! If he tells long-enough stories, he could keep them from eating for hours! And think of all the cake and Cheetos that would save them from!