Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jack in the Box Jumbo Breakfast Platter Ad

Great! These guys make the best ads! I don’t even bother muting the TV when I see that ping pong ball head! These ads are really fun, and whoever came up with them is doing a great job, because, wow, they could get boring fast; but they don’t: they just keep getting better! Amazing!

Some artists work best within the confines of an assignment, and that’s true here too (maybe: these guys might make the best ads ever, but they don’t get the chance. I guess we won’t know until they move on to other projects.). But these ads never seem to get stale, even though, by rights, they should have been intolerably stale years ago! Do you realize that this “Jack in the Box” character has outlived his majesty the “Burger King”? (<At least the newest iteration of that mascot character of the “Burger King”.) They don’t even use Ronald McDonald in ads anymore, but Jack in the Box is still going strong! How is it possible? (But I’ll bet if they’re ever the #1 fast food joint, Jack will get it in the McNuggets just like Ronald McDonald did! But they don’t ever have to worry about that, for their ads might be great, but their food is awful! Oh well: I guess you can’t have everything!)

The funny thing was, when I first saw this ad, I was thinking about The Village People. But then they ended up being strippers! It’s even more outré than I thought! And for a family restaurant ad campaign, boy they sure know how to tread the line and keep it all fun without being problematic for anyone. Maybe Rudy Giuliani would be offended (for the camera), but everyone else probably is fine with it. And it is funny.

Here’s the scandalously silly spot: