Tuesday, October 15, 2013

GE Star Trek Ad

This is the new commercial for GE where the Enterprise is being sucked into a wormhole or a black hole and they need more energy to escape. And then they do an ad for GE oil drilling technology, which wouldn’t actually help the Enterprise in that situation, seeing as how the Federation starships don’t use oil or gas, but rather, dilithium crystals and antimatter. But maybe GE drills antimatter too, and can make it spontaneously appear in the ship’s engine when it’s being sucked into a black hole? Because otherwise this ad wouldn’t even offer a solution to their problem, and it looks almost like they’re teasing the Enterprise with energy solutions they cannot use. But maybe the ad should have had the alien guy explain the GE technology and then say it’s too bad they don’t use GE energy technology, and then the Enterprise gets sucked into the black hole and they all die? Then the ad could warn us that we’d better use GE stuff, or we’ll all die too.

But hey, you know what? This ad reminds me of the first JJ Abrams Star Trek movie, where the Romulan Nero destroyed Vulcan and then almost destroyed the Earth with a big drilling rig. Did GE make that drilling rig too? It’s actually hilarious that GE would make a Star Trek ad about their energy drilling technology when a very recent Star Trek movie had the villain almost destroying our own Earth with drilling equipment that looks very much like the rig they’re advertising here. Kind of makes me think of the environmental impact of drilling more than anything else, and how environmentalists keep telling us it’s destroying the planet. But don’t worry, GE: I’m sure nobody but me remembers as far back as 2009 to the plot of the Star Trek reboot movie, and even if they do, surely nobody will remember that a drilling apparatus and antimatter was what was used in an attempt to destroy the Earth by a villainous character, and then connect the destruction of the planet with your drilling technology. Or will they? Hmm... Well, just to be on the safe side, you might want to consider this sort of messaging issue in the next ad in your current campaign.

Here’s the questionable message commercial: