Sunday, May 6, 2012

Axe Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Disappearing Girls Ad

Here we have a dapper young man approaching attractive young ladies, and his prodigious dandruff flakes towards them and makes them disappear as if by magic (!). So then I guess his dandruff has magical properties? Wow, he really should make use of this wonderful gift and go into the glamorous world of magic and illusions! But does it only work on women? That is to say, does it only make women disappear? Because if it works on everyone, then this could be turned into a new super-weapon, making enemy armies disappear into thin air, and winning the day for America! Whoo-hoo! (It would be like an all-natural death ray!)

Oh, but treasonous Axe shampoo will have none of it! They want violent blood-bath wars to continue forever! Oh, the humanity!* What monsters! (Are they also war profiteers? Now it finally makes sense why they are smearing this miracle dandruff as something undesirable, rather than embracing it for its full peaceful potential!) They should be tried for crimes against humanity, just like all other war mongers, man! All we are saying is give peace a chance by implementing this magical dandruff for the betterment of humanity and peace on Earth! But when you look at this company’s name: Axe, named as it is after a violent, gory weapon of murder and mayhem, it’s really no surprise that they want to deny our society the use of such harmony-instilling miracle dandruff, for then there would be no more war, and hippies would start draping flowers over the blade of their logo or something. And everyone knows Axes are totally blood-thirsty, man!

Oh, but then again, perhaps this guy’s dandruff is simply misogynist, making only women disappear into the damnation of endless purgatory in a chauvinistic display of outright patriarchal oppression! Well, in that case, ƒµ¢k him! Destroy his magic dandruff with this violent weaponized dandruff shampoo! Let the Axe execute it for its unacceptable misogyny! For shame, Mr. He-Man Woman-Hater! In fact, since this is an ad for Axe: off with his head!

Actually, this ad is really cute, and it’s fun, too. It is kind of ridiculously hyper-sexualized in that way all the Axe ads always are, but so what? It’s actually one of their most serious commercials until the end, and there’s more of a concept to it than they usually have. I like it. But is one girl never enough for these Axe customers? I would think it would be inadvisable to have three girlfriends at once. But hey: at least they know about each other already, so it’s not going to get him dumped later on when he gets caught! Is this company owned by the FLDS by any chance, and are they perhaps trying to covertly proselytize for polygamy? That’s what these ads kind of start to look like after a while. But without all those Little House on the Prairie dresses, it’s easy for them to get away with it without anyone realizing who is behind it! (And do young people really get dandruff? I thought that was just for older people once their skin dries out. But I am admittedly no expert on dandruff: one of the more non-fascinating things in life.)

Here’s the flaky spot:

* Yes, as it is the 75th anniversary of the Hindenburg disaster, oh the humanity, indeed!