Thursday, May 31, 2012

Democratic Convention in North Carolina

Apparently there is a bit of a kerfuffle over the fact that the Democratic Party is holding their convention in a “right-to-work” state. (That means you have a right to work, but you still must fight for your right to party.*) So now the unions are mad, and that’s bad for Democrats, because they have to kowtow to unions just like Republicans have to kowtow to oil companies, big business, and Wall Street (although Wall Street gave more campaign cash to Obama in 2008 than they ever gave to anyone else in ever: go figure. That’s a lot of wasted ass-kissing by Republicans!). So that means it’s like if the Republican Party held their convention in Venezuela or something.

Here’s the (old) story:

* I want to live in a “right-to-party” state! Elect me president, and I’ll make every state a “right-to-party” state! (Whoo-hoo! Free Jäger shots! Mandatory beer bongs! A Toga Party convention! All drugs legalized! Only party-pooper pansies would vote for someone else!)