Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bayer Aspirin Heart Attack Ad

Okay, this is just one of a gaggle of heart attack-themed ads from Bayer Aspirin. But this one is especially fun in its disclaimer, for it says: “Aspirin is not appropriate for everyone…” Yes, it’s “not appropriate” (!). With the politically-correct fervor currently gripping our nation, there’s only one way to read this statement these days!

Yes, that’s right: I’m afraid that aspirin is inappropriate for children because it’s always using offensive innuendo, making crude sexual remarks, and evincing scatological sensibilities generally. It’s simply unacceptable! That’s why children need the innocent pain relief of Advil. For your children will never ask you embarrassing sexual questions after taking it, like they always do after hanging around with that punk aspirin!

Shame on you, aspirin! You should aspire in a more appropriate direction!

There is no surprise that I cannot find this commercial online, for it’s probably bad enough that they have to admit their stuff is “inappropriate” on TV; imagine what people on this wild & crazy Internet would make of it! (Although, maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. Perhaps it’s not on YouTube, but rather, hanging around on disgusting porn sites! Oh, for shame! Talk about inappropriate!)

I am kidding here, naturally. I have bought and used Bayer Aspirin for years, and it’s really good stuff, especially if you like to hear a good sex joke! I mean…